Retirement Planning

The retirement landscape is changing, with future generations of retirees facing longer lifespans and greater dependence on personal savings to secure a comfortable future. You’ll need income beyond your working years.

Conversations about retirement tend to start with the same questions. Will I have enough when I retire? Will I be able to keep up my lifestyle? How much do I need to set aside for healthcare costs? But we know the variables are different for each person. We bring clarity to your unique situation and help get you answers.


Phases of Retirement ProcessRetirement process can be divided into four phases, and each with its own special considerations.


Ten or more years left before retirement? Asset accumulation should be your principal goal.


Looking at 3-10 years before you can retire? Now’s a crucial time to plan. Your earnings may be increasing substantially and you’ll likely have a more accurate picture of personal and family needs.

Nearing Retirement

Are you 1-2 years away from retiring? You’ll need to start identifying specific needs, like inheritance, and any unforeseen needs, such as health issues.

Living in Retirement

Now, You’ve made the leap into retirement – but financial planning doesn’t stop there. Need to develop a withdrawal strategy, rebalance your portfolio, and managing to maintain steady flow of income.

The most important goal is to build up enough assets to provide adequate income to meet your needs through retirement. Whether you’re still early in your career or just a few years away from retirement, Privet wealth help you to plan for the retirement lifestyle you want.